Thursday, September 3, 2015

Journal 4760 Abadius 23rd thru Abadius 24th thru 26th - Crystal Cave

Journal 4760 Abadius 23rd – We found out that the town had killed the priest we told to explain all they were doing with their children. I’m sure if the Ulatkini is seen the town folks will attack them too. We talk what we should do next and Gregor wanted to go back to Solvanna. So, we agreed to go back and Rigby and Linkles wanted to go with the group. I told the group that I needed to go back to the fey realm to see if I can learn more what happen to Evindra. I left the group to find Grim again using a locate animals spell I was able to find him. He was very glad to see me and I was glad to have him back. I then rode off to find a way into the fey realm. Journal 4760 Abadius 25th – I found a dryad who allowed me to enter her tree. I rode grim into the realm and to the crystal cave. I went straight for the healing pool to see if that would remove this disease I have. After drinking the water I no longer can breathe water or want my skin to be wet, I’m cured. I was then met by a green man who told me it is time to take on the full responsibilities of that Evindra’s did. I was to protect the Riverlands is my primary concern everything else is secondary. The lives and deaths of individual creatures and human regimes are less important than the survival of the Riverlands as a healthy ecosystem. Which mean that creatures that would destroy the ecosystem and make it barren are my biggest enemies. He then took me to a 60 foot oak tree and told me to say a word. When I did the tree became Evindra’s Staff. I was very surprise to have it. I seen her use it to speak with animals or find things with it. He also gave me a bag of beans and told me Never to dump the beans out of the bag. But, to pluck one bean out of the bag then plant and water it. He did not know what it would do. I look around a little longer but did not find any more answers on who took the sword. Journal 4760 Abadius 26th - I left the fey realm and enter back in the riverlands where the pixies live. I found a spot where I pluck one bean out of the bag, planted the bean and then water it. Waited about an hour and six eggs appeared. Waited another hour and nothing happen so I pick one up and threw it at a rock and it exploded damaging the rock a little. I picked up the other five and left. I knew I was close to Oleg’s trading post so I went there. It was here I found out it was the next day so I stay the night.

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