Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Journal 4759 Pharast 29th

Journal 4759 Pharast 29th We got up and Gregor went to talk to Andivion Adrissant on what we found. He got more information from the bones to help our cause his name was Tarem Gatrone and also Wretch cry sounds like a laugh. The trial begins with the key witnesses being the sisters. They sound like it was Wretch but had no true information but that they were saying. Andivion then went after the sister and got them to lie that their religion was and then accuses them of murdering the child molester Tarem Gatrone. They were unable to deny the charges and stay quite. Andivion then used Wretch cry and ask if this was the laugh they hear when we was carring Ellas body. Wretch broke out in a cry when Ellas name was mention. This destroyed their claim of Wretch laughing. When all was done Andivion closed with insisting that the women be arrested and bound for trial for the murder of Tarem Gatrone. This stunned the crowd and the crowd was getting worst seeing that Wretch may become free. We then got ready and headed out to the Sanctuary of the site of Wretch mass murder at the burning of the Sanctuary. We arrived late afternoon and started to search the three burnt building. We founded a fragment of broken glass with a label of a chemical name on it. We went into the basement of the Sanctuary and were attacked by four ghasts. Hadhod got paralyzed but Gregor and I were able to destroy the remaining ghasts to save Hadhod. Gregor used his power and I used a fire sphere to damage them and keep them from surrounding Gregor. We were able to save Hadhod and found little else in the basement. We continue searching and found a note that sound like a threatening blackmail naming Vorkstag and Grime who also runs a chemical factory. We then saw a building on the other side of the river with smoke coming out of the chimney. We had a little trouble crossing the river and it was cold. We found the former caretaker of the sanctuary, Karl. Karl was blind but he told us he saw the “Beast” and he was blue, had a crippled arm, and used high tech flaming oil that did not require a wick when he threw it at the sanctuary. He saw his niece who was burned I could heal the burn but not the scares caused by the burn. After talking with Karl he told us about a ford a mile upstream. So, he headed back to Lepidistadt to check out the chemical factory. When we arrived in Lepidistadt we found a mob forming to hang Wretch. We rush to the court house to see if we could help to protect Wretch from the mob that was forming. The guards told us that they would not stop the mob but they did agree to warn us if the mob breaks in. We went to the front door to meet the mob. The rains began to fall hard and this would help us because the torches would not stay lit during this rain storm. When the mob came up close to the steps I cast five spheres of light in front of us to scare the mob they would hurt them. Gregor was able to convince some of the mob to go home. When they started to charge the court house door Hadhod then slammed his hammer on the ground and Gregor made the ground to shake this cause more to run away from us. Then, Gregor was able to scare the leader to fall back and this cause more of the mob to stop the charge. My spheres cause the mob to go around them so only a few got to us. Then Gregor caused the leader of the mob to run away leaving only the ones that got to us. Hadhod and Gregor knock them out and I was able to make sure none of them died. We stood watch for an hour than Hadhod and his wolf patroling the ground scaring other back to their home. We stayed another hour or so before Gregor and I left to check out the chemical building. Leaving, Hadhod on watch at the court house. Gregor paid one of the guards to come with us so we could have him to get us in to look in the building being an official busy of the courts. It was still raining when we got to the chemical building. Gregor rang the bell a couple of times before we were met by a man and a gnome or at least he looks like a gnome (maybe a rock gnome???). They took us into what looked like their office. Gregor talk to them and when he showed them the note about the blackmail and the label. The man said to wait and he will show us something else and went into the room connecting the office. In a few minutes he came back but he came back and put on a cloak that turn him into the other beast with one crippled arm and he was blue. He attacked us striking down the guard which I was able to keep alive. I was not thinking when I cast my fire sphere to keep the gnome and the beast from ganging up on us and to burn them if they did. The sphere did kill the gnome and harm the beast. But, the beast turned to vapor and left when he was about to die. Gregor went out after the beast and I put out the fire to make sure the building did not burn up and see that the guard would be all right. When I got into the main area of the chemical building a fire had started in the far corner of the building and men that looked like zombie were leaving and telling me to leave and save myself, too. I tried to put out the fires but they were spreading to fast. Gregor went up into the second floor of the building chasing the beast. I got out and saved the guard just as the building explored. Gregor did get out in time and found a head that looked like the man we were talking, too. But, Gregor said it was in a jar and found other books. The rain help keep the fire from spreading but the chemical building was burned to the ground. We took the zombie men as evidence back to the court house and locked them up. We slept at the court house in case the mob decided to come back they did not.