Friday, December 27, 2013

Journal Entry 4759 Calistril 7 - 9

Journal Entry 4759 Calistril 7th Strange land this Professor Petros Lorrimor’s lived in. It seems he had no friends only a couple showed up but kept their distance from the casket. With two pallbearers who never knew him along with Kendra and Gregor who did. Then we run into a mob in the graveyard. Gregor was able to shame them before they threw things at us. We then bury the man. When we got back to the house they read the will and Gregor was assigned to return books for him. When we went up to look into the chest in the Professor bedroom Hadhod notice a burned book and Loren noticed that someone picked the chest lock. In the chest had very bad books to the dark tapestry which I believe should be destroyed. The burnt book turn out to be the professor journal that someone wanted destroyed. We have a mystery on our hands now. Hadhod and Gregor went out to see a smith as I looked around the place some more. Many trees went into building this house and it has more rooms than the people here need. What a waste, what a waste. Journal Entry 4759 Calistril 8th The mystery has started we woke up this morning to people yelling. We found that a Varisian rune V was written in blood on a statue. People were asking who did it. From the burnt pages we found in the fireplace of the professor home Gregor went to someone in charge in this town. He got permission to search thru the town archives. I walk around a bit then went back to the mason and help heal the plants around and in the house. Gregor came back finding nothing of interest and ask me and Loren to come with him to continue the search tomorrow. Journal Entry 4759 Calistril 9th Once again we were woken up by the crowds outside and when we went to the statue again we found a rune written in blood but this time it was an E. Gregor took Kendra, Loren and I with him to search the records. My heart was not in it but Kendra cast something on me so I could read this strange language as if I knew it. We found out that there were 5 dangerous serial killers imprison at Harrowstone at the time of the fire. One was the Splatterman, another was the Piper of Illmarsh, another was the Mosswater maurader, another was Father Charlatan and the last was the Lopper. They were the ones we heard children sing when we arrive Gregor told us and Kendra agreed that they were in the song. Kendra came up with more information about Father Charlatan and Greogor found information about the Splatterman. From what the professor had written Gregor wanted us to go to the Harrowstone Prison. We found ritual runes of abjuration and necromancy magic meant to weaken the ghost of Warden Hawkran. Hadhod used his hammer to destroy the rune by smashing the stone it was written on. On the way back Gregor ask us if we would camp out at the Statue to see if anything happens. The only thing that did happen is a group of skeletons attack us but we were able to destroy them quickly.

Journal Entry 4759 Abadius 30 - Calistril 6

Journal Entry 4759 Abadius 30th We have left the Northern Riverlands and are now in Ustalav heading towards Carrion Hill. Gregor says we should be entering the Furrows of Ustalav in a few days. We camped in a cave to get out of rain. Hadhod found the cave but when we entered it we found a bear also using it for shelter. The bear nearly killed Hadhod before we could bring the bear down. It did give us a good feast that night and extra food for a few more days. The dire wolf also enjoyed eating the bear meat. Hadhod took the bear pelt and is trying to make a cloak out of it. Journal Entry 4759 Calistril 1st Gregor keeps saying how beautiful his country is but to me it is a very depressing area with few trees and destroyed lands and gloomy all the time. Gregor told us we were going to skirt the cursed Furrows area but we got attacked by 43 skeleton soldiers. I wanted to run but Hadhod turn his horse and went to fight them. So we stood our ground and I cast spike growth to protect us. It worked and killed many skeletons when they tried to cross it. With the majority of the skeletons were killed in my spike growth. Gregor and Hadhod killed the rest that were not. We only lost Hadhod mount in the attack. The dire wolf had another good meal. Journal Entry 4759 Calistril 5th Gregor, Loren and I, had an identical nightmare somehow. We all dreamed that a royally garbed skeleton encased in blazing purple energy telling us to leave but before we could do anything it attacked us. It killed Loren and Hadhod dire wolf with an energy field that they did not get out of in time. Gregor called his mount and was battling it with Hadhod throwing his weapons at it. I was doing my best to hurt it but was doing little to it with my flaming sphere. It killed Gregor and his mount next and was going after Hadhod. With a mighty throw of his hammer and my flaming sphere we brought the skeleton down. Once we did I awoke and found that it was a dream we all had but Hadhod. After talking about it Gregor told us he thought it was an invincible lich Tar-Baphon we fought. It is known to cast a dream spell on us to learn how we fight so it knows ahead of time if it does meet us how to defeat us. Now I know Hadhod and I will be targeted first since we survived his dream. Journal Entry 4759 Calistril 6th We arrived in Ravengro, Canterwall country in Ustalav at Professor Petros Lorrimor’s home. We were greeted by Kendra Lorrimor and Adivion Adrissant Gregor trueborn half-brother. Gregor received a suit of armor from Adivion which was on display at Adrissant manor then he left. Than Kendra gave Gregor his copy of her father’s will and that the funeral will be tomorrow asking us if we could be pallbearers. Loren said no because he did not want to give up his weapons. Kendra told us we could stay at the mansion while we were in Ravengro. Kendra retired to her room and we were shown our rooms as Gregor sat and prayed over Professor Lorrimor’s body over night.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

4758 Abadius 16th

Evindra, More colonists and materials have been arriving to the Riverlands since I last wrote you. Solvanna is taking her hold of the area now that we killed the Stage Lord and removed his hold on the area. I’m trying my best to have them do selective cutting in the forest. They did not like my idea to use stone saying it would take too long and need more people. She did like my idea to build the town in the area of the Stage Lord keep. The first building has been built for a black smith to make more tools to build the town. They are bringing in wood along with the wood they are cutting in the Riverlands which makes me sad. A note came to Gregor asking him to return to Ravengro as fast as he can. He has asked us to come with him to his homeland. I have decided to see his land and to learn more why they need to expand beyond their own areas. We will be leaving soon so this will be the last note I will be sending you from Oleg’s. I will write in my journal and send it when I can or figure out a way to get it to you. Glade