Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Journal 4760 Abadius 10th -22nd - Investagate the Whispering Way in Illmarsh

Journal 4760 Abadius 10th – It is nice being on the water hearing the wind blow and the waves breaking. The half elf approached me and told me he was sent to help me recover the Sword of the Briar. He has no idea who has it or here it has gone. I hope we are on the right path to stop the destruction of the Riverlands. The weather is starting to get worse but the captain is sure we can make it to port in the morning before the storm is in full swing. Journal 4760 Abadius 11th – The storm was getting worse but the captain got us to the dock safely. When we docked we found out that as we were coming in another boat was having trouble and Gregor jump over using his power to help him. Gregor was able to help at least to run his boat a ground without destroying the boat or the wharf. When we meet up with Gregor he was talking to the old man who owned the boat and was talking about some strange boat. The the man introduced himself to us as Horace Croon. The Halfling told us he was sent here by the Pathfinder Society to help him with the problem in Illmarsh. Horace told us about the water problem being polluted by something making people sick. He will take us after he gets his boat repaired. I went in and started to inspect the haul and said I would be able to mend most of the minor damage for him if he would like me, too. He was glad for the help then invited us to breakfast at his house and we accepted. His memory is going because he had trouble finding his home. To me we seem to wander around looking for his home. On the way to Horace house Erik heard someone cry out for help. So, we stop and look around when we found this crazy lady named Serena. After talking to her a few minutes I realized this was the frog Hadhod kissed months ago. Because she knew of the Crooked Kin and she said the dwarf named was Hadhod. She was scratching her arm that looked like it was slimy skin. I ask Horace if a temple was near here and he took us to a Gozreh Temple called the Hall of the Recondite Order of the Indomitable Sea. It took some time for someone to come to the door when we knock. They did not want to help and I was ready to leave when Erik pounded on the door again and said they will help. Once again it took a few minutes before they came back. They did finally agree for Erik and the girl to come in. We hung around a few more minutes then started to leave when I thought I hear a thunder noise. So, we went back to the temple. When we arrived we could hear fighting sound so he unlock the door and saw Erik fighting four cleric with another five on the floor dead. We rush in and saw a large crab like creature call a chuul in another room eating Serena. I cast moonbeam on the chuul creature and either killed the beast or sent it back to the Dark Tapestry. Just then the high priest came out from a side room and Gregor and our two new companions attacked and killed him. Gregor shouted we need to get out of sight of Erik because the sword has taken him over. So, we ran into the room the high priest came out of and closed the door. As we were going into the next room it was now quiet in the main hall where the fight was going on. We then open the door and we saw Erik was now back to his own self. We search the rest of the temple finding a couple who have come to see if their daughter had gone to the neighbor yet. We did not understand them but think the priests were feeding the children to that chuul creature they summon saying the children had gone to the neighbor. We told them to go back home. We found a large water basin and the half elf drop a stone with a light spell on it and it sank deep into the pool. I turn myself into a frog and swam down to the light and then felt for a current and notice there was one and it lead off down a large tunnel. Then return to the group. As they finished searching the place I decided to try and get rid of the bodies of the dead priest by putting them into the bag of devouring. I was able to get two of the priest bodies into the bag before Gregor stop me because he said I was disrespectable to the dead. I tried to explain to him that I was just trying to get rid of the evidence if there are no bodies like there is no monster crab in the back room how can we be accused of killing any one. His decision will come back to cause us trouble but time will tell. We need to leave to rest and plain if we go through the water basin using water breathing, use Horace underwater boat or find another way. Gregor for some reason looked out a window and could hear a lot of people talking. He told us to go back into the back room. Rigby told us he could use his illusion spell to pretend he is a priest. We agreed but when the mod noticed he was shorter, they question him about the other dead priest and then noticed the one Rigby used for his illusion was also on the floor dead. Se, he ran shutting the doors behind him. We stayed quiet in the secret room which the villagers could not find. We could hear the villagers talking about that priest they saw was a doppelganger and it killed the other priests. Then they started talking about the temple is bigger outside than in. They could not figure out why the temple inside was smaller. Before the villagers could find us we created a false earthquake which caused the villagers to run away in fear. This left us alone in the building but we noticed two guards one at each door was left behind to watch the temple. We talk about my plan using my water breathing spell to get into the water. But, when Gregor tested the water temperature saying the water was to cold. So, they decided against it. We talk about how to get out of the temple and it was decide that Rigby and I would sneak out and see if we can get a guard to take us to the Mayor. This work and they took us to Mayor Early Greedle who gave us more information about the going on in Illmarsh. We meet the other back at Horace Croon’s house and rested for the night. Journal 4760 Abadius 12th – The group talk to the villagers about the trouble in the area. They told us about strange things going on at a place called the Undiomede House. We decided to go up to the house after finding out that a sea monster guard the entrance to the underwater entrance in the lake. We found an over grown road that lead us to an old dilapidated mansion which we believe to be the Undiomede House. After looking around I noticed that the house was built on a circle of standing stones. When we enter the house thru the front door we were met by a female marsh giant with a mast in her hand. We were able to kill her before her great strength took us out. In the main room was a kellid sacrificial altar. Gregor entered a room which was behind the altar the room was guarded by giant ticks which we defeated quickly. Then we came upon three Dagon priests which we killed two and took the third as our prisoner. He told him we would let him go if he told us about the house and who else was in the house. He told us the Dagon Albor the high priest is infected with something called a “moit” and other information. Then we hear a voice coming down from the chimney from above. We found out it was Albor d’Trifted voice. He confirmed about his infection with a “moit” and his impending death with it. Albor wanted us to leave him alone so he could travel to the “neighbors” unopposed. We forgot about the priest I figure he left when we went after Albor. We did not want him to get away so we started to go up the staircase but Gregor asked Rigby to see if he could find any traps on the steps. Rigby found three for us to avoid but did set one off when he was checking. When Gregor went into the room I follow. As soon as I enter I took massive radiant damage and went back out. Albor ran out of the room around to a hole in another room upstairs to jump down to the main room with the altar. I tried to help Erik attack Albor. But, Albor put up a blade barrier to separate him and Erik after Erik hurt him very bad. Albor opened up a gate on one of the stone to escape. Erik went berserk and since he could no longer see Albor he noticed us on the balcony and started to run up the stairs and attacked the Half Elf Linkles. Erik took a lot of damage from the traps and with us all attacking him we were able to defeat him before he could kill Linkles. Gregor was able to stabilize Erik wounds along with some healing. I also healed Eric. Gregor took Erik sword Ovinrbaane and told me to put it in my portable hole. Gregor is very mad at Erik for losing control again and does not want him near the sword again. I believe if Erik wants the sword back he should have it. All Erik needs to do is just ask me to give him his sword back. Gregor and Rigby were able to go thru the room but Linkles also got shocking damage when we entered the room so he did not follow. I believe it is because we are both fey. Erik, Linkles and I stay behind and tried different things to destroy the stone column but failed. Gregor and Rigby were able to clear out the upstairs without too much trouble. They found a dark tapestry book of Abstruse Geometries which we put in the bag of devouring. I decided to detect if I could sense the fey realm or another realm in the stone. I did sense a realm the dark tapestry in the stone and felt I needed to destroy it. I used my flame blade to destroy the altar first and then felt the realm becoming weaker. When I destroy the altar we found the moits eggs in it and I destroy them, too. I then destroy the stone Albor entered next. Destroying the stone Albor enter weaken the realm even more. Destroying the next stone caused the house to cave in and that destroy the connection to the dark tapestry realm. We went back to the village to explore the tunnel in the temple pool. I changed myself into a catfish and swam for about half an hour before I finally came upon a passage that was being guarded by “deep ones” fish type creatures. After getting back it was decided to go back and take on the sea creature instead of trying to swim in the cold water. We went back to Horace place and started to plan for the attack on the sea creature. Journal 4760 Abadius 13th – We waited for the lances to be finished that Horace was making. I will go down and bring the sea creature up to the boat for the others to fight. Before I go down I will cast water walking on the others to help them from being drown. Then I will cast conjure sharks to swim down with me to attack the sea creature then swim back to the boat. This should bring the creature up to the surface with us. Getting my spells ready and getting other supplies we may need. Journal 4760 Abadius 14th – We went down to the docks to take Horace boat to Tarn Rock where the sea creature is. I cast water walking on the group. Then I cast my spell summons four sharks and changed myself into a shark. We swam to the bottom of the Tarn Rock to find the sea creature. We found the sea creature and I order one of my sharks to attack the creature than we swam back to the boat with the creature following. We got the creature to the surface and Gregor and Erik were able to lance the creature. They then tried to pull the creature onto the boat as it tries to swim under the boat. They were able to pull it to the surface as they tied off the ropes and attacked the creature. I do not know why I moved up closer to attack the sea creature maybe just thinking I would get a better angle with my spell but I still missed. That move cost me because the creature hit me with one of its tentacles causing me to become the creature. We killed the beast before it could hurt anyone else. I tried to cure myself but that did not work. Now I have trouble breathing and want to breathe under water. My skin feels dry and I want it to be slimy instead. For now I will just wrap wet rages around my arms and legs. We used to much to take this creature out so we went back to Horace place. Journal 4760 Abadius 15th – This morning I argue my case again about going into the temple pool. But with the idea of putting lard all over their body, buying three sets of wool full underwear to put on with one set having leather gloves, hat and boots with wool gloves and socks sew into the underwear. Then the final part is to put tar on to seal the underwear from the cold. Horace agreed this could work so the others agreed to try it. I told them they would be pulled by summon large catfish. I turn into one so we could figure out a harness. Journal 4760 Abadius 16th – We were able to buy what we needed to enter the water and started to create the water suits. Journal 4760 Abadius 17th – Horace was making my idea a reality he should be done later tonight. Journal 4760 Abadius 18th – We went into the temple and I put all their equipment in the portable hole. Then they put lard all over their bodies then put on the wool underwear and we put tar all over them and I tied the rope around them which is connected to the harness. I handed them a dagger to defend themselves. I cast water breathing on them and then conjure up four large catfish. I put the harness on the catfish and they entered in the water. Then I turn into a large catfish and lead them down the tunnel. When I got to the end and saw the fish creature guarding the entrance. Then before I could do anything the fish creatures went up the tunnel. We hear screaming and the sound of fighting. I thought I hear something say run. We got out of the water and the others got out of the cold suits. I open up the portable hole and got out their gear. As Erik and Gregor put on their armor we left them behind to guard the exit. Rigby, Linkles and I went to scout the area. We came upon a glowing golden lump of something shooting out rainbows. We sneak by it and down the corridor to our right. This lead to a cave filled with people who looked to be all dead. Their skin and even their cloths were all white. One lady was still alive but was white like the others. She was singing children songs to a dead baby in her arms. The others were all dead and I could find no reason why they died. We talk to the lady and she told us the others were dead and she did not know why. Rigby told us that our cloths have started to fade, too. After talking to her she confirmed that everyone died after that Lump creature appeared. We decided the rainbow coming from the lump was draining our cloths color. The Lady asked me if I could help her baby and somehow we made the mistake that the creature killed her baby. This put her over the edge and she got by us and attacked the creature before we could stop her. After cutting the creature it attack and killed her. We then attack it killing the creature very quickly using range attacks. It absorbed my radiant attack so I switch to my fire attack. Rigby was sure it was a creature from the dark tapestry. We heard more yelling and went down that path to the right. That leaded us to a group of these fish creature with it leader holding a trident. He was ordering them to attack something and we followed them as they went down another corridor. This lead to a huge tentacle three legged monster which was the Moit Creature that Aldor became. The creature began killing everything in sight. The fish creatures were being ordered to attack Aldor and we helped. The moit creature cast the dark tapestry black area spell behind me trapping Linkles and Rigby in the area. When Linkles got out of the darkness he passed me but ran into the leader of the fish creature who then attacked him. We were damaging the moit creature so it started to move closer to us but still had to defeat the fish creatures to get to us. But it had a fear aurea which stunned me causing my moonbeam spell to be dropped. I was able to get up and run before the creature got to me. I thought we could still kill it so I put up my spike stones spell again to damage it more as it comes to us. But when I saw it again I was stunned again losing the spell and Linkles had to pick me up so I would not be killed by the creature. I was able to cast my spike stone spell again as we planned to kill the beast but I was not going to look at it again just concentrate on my spell. The creature took damage from my spikes and then withdrew waiting for it to end which was almost an hour. I gave Erik his sword back because I believe we needed it to defeat this creature. Gregor and Rigby did not want me to do it but I still did. Rigby got ready to get back in the water. We were ready and Erik and Gregor killed it before it did anything to them. The creature melted away and I used my scared flame to be sure the moit was dead. We then search the place found a body in a huge jar in a liquid. We also found the trident Aldor and the fish leader had, two magic short swords, a full chainmail and other items with more coin. The only way out seems like the way we came. We burn the body in the jar. We believe it to be the remains of the one who wrote the book we found about the fishmen creatures and the neighbors. We also gather up the bodies we found in white cave and placed them in the water as a watery burial. Then we went back the same way we came since I block the other entrance. Then we went back to Croon to decide what to do next. Journal 4760 Abadius 19th – After we decided we need to check out the tunnels underneath Lake Encarthen near Tarn Rock where we killed the sea creature guarding the tunnels. Gregor asked Croon about coming up with a way to supply fresh air in his submersible boat. After talking about it awhile they came up with using a billow system blowing air down with a long hose to supply the submersible with fresh air. Croon believe it would be ready in three days. We sold a few items and resupplied our selves. Journal 4760 Abadius 20th – We waited for the changes to the submersible to be done. While waiting I prayed to Gozreh about the Trident. I attune it to myself to learn more about it. Still not sure what to do about this condition I have. I believe I have to go back to the crystal cave to drink the water from the pool may help. Journal 4760 Abadius 21st – We got a visit from the Dagon priest we let escape when we were fighting Addor at the Undiomede House. He wanted us to help the neighbors (the fishman or Ulatkini) from the invasion of the Denizens of Leng. Gregor agreed to talk with him if the priest would confess to the villagers what they were doing with their children by giving them to the neighbors. He agreed and took us out to meet the fishman or Ulatkini. The Ulatkini told us how they tried to use the Seasage Effigy to summon a demon servant of Dagon. They failed and were only able to summon creatures from the Dark tapestry. They summoned the Denizens of Leng and now they have taken over their home in the tunnels under Lake Encarthen. The Denizens of Leng has enslaved the Ulatkini. He will show us a secret door to their home which is only guard by the Ulatkini and they will help us fight against the Denizens of Leng. If we do not help them the Denizens of Leng will end up killing all the Ulatkini and then enslave the people of Ilmarsh. So, we agreed to help. Journal 4760 Abadius 22nd – Croon has finished the changes to the submersible and we travel to the Ulatkini home underneath Lake Encarthen near the Tarn Rock. Our new ally convinced the Ulatkini guarding the secret entrance that we are here to free them from the Denizens of Leng. They let us swim thru the secret entrance and into the tunnels. It was a strange entrance once we got by the secret stone door. It was a wall of force that allowed us to pass but kept the water out. We had to go thru two of these walls to get into the tunnel. I found that I could breathe underwater without my spell or changing into a fish. We decide we need to take out a creature that guards the Denizens of Leng first. We found them just a short distance from entering the tunnel. Linkles fireball them and I had to use my wall of fire to kill them. But, that made too much noise and a Denizen of Leng came out to find out what the noise was. Just before the first one appeared Gregor, Rigby and our new allies Ulatkini enter the first room next to our exit leaving Erik, Linkles and myself guarding the tunnel when first Denizen of Leng came out. Erik moved to close to my wall of fire which was hurting the Denizen of Leng and Erik to attack him so I had to drop the wall of fire which was burning Erik, too. I replaced it with Moonbean on the Denizen of Leng. Then a grell came from across from where the Denizen of Leng came from. Erik was holding his own against the Denizen of Leng with Linkles and me helping. The Denzien of Leng was able to dominate Erik but we killed it before the Denzien could send him to fight us. That is when Gregor show up after killing a Denzien in the room they entered. With the rest of us attacking the grell it went down quickly. Then a strange creature came down the tunnel saying things I did not understand it just sounded like random words. We killed this dark tapestry creature before it could do anything against us. We forgot to turn the lanterns off after doing some searching when we started down the tunnel. So, when we came upon another room a Denizen of Leng came out because of our light. We were able to kill him but not before it did a couple of sonic blast on us. That attacked used up most of our healing ability. We also had to wait several minutes after the battle. Because a few of us effect by the blast would do anything we were told to do. One of the Ulatkini was killed in the battle. We ask the other three if they would like to use the Denizen of Leng weapon. They agreed but one of them started to go crazy running around screaming and they all dropped the weapon saying they are cursed. Gregor picked them up again and put them with his stuff. We came upon a decision we needed to make on which way we should go. The Ulatkini told us if we go left it will take us to the nursery or if we go to the right to where the leader are. After discussion what we should do we decided to go after the leader. So, we took the passage to the right which leaded us to a room where we were met by Ulatkini guards and the Ulatkini priest leader. The priest leader ordered his guards to attack us. Then he ran down another tunnel as we fought with his guards. We were able to quickly kill the guards but not before the priest leader told the others we were coming. We followed the Ulatkini priest who leaded us into an even large room. We were met by three more Ulatkini guards, two grells, a dark tapestry blob with many months, another Ulatkini and the priest. The priest and Ulatkini were yelling at each other as the guards advance on us but not before Linkles got off a fireball killing one guard and wounding the grells, the blob and another gurard. Gregor went forward to attack the guards. I was able to put the moonbeam on the two grells and a guard. We killed the guards quickly and then able to kill the grells next. The blob moved to slow but did get in one attack on Gregor before we were able to kill it with my moonbeam and other attacks. Gregor then went to attack the priest as the other Ulatkini ran away into another area. I tried to chase him but he got thru one of the special portal before I could catch him in my moonbeam spell. Gregor and the other killed the priest without much trouble. For some reason Erik went back to check out the side passage we passed by and after a moment we hear strange sounds. When we got to him he was mad there were many jars with a brain and eyeballs floating in a liquid. Some were alive still and others were dead. The live ones got into Erik head driving him mad with their thoughts. Gregor was able to get Erik out of the room and cast Lesser Restoration on him to bring him out of his madness. Gregor told us all not to go back into that room. He would go back later and destroy all the jars so it would be safe for us to enter. Just before we started back to attack the main priest I suggested that he go back to the breeding room to be sure no threat comes behind us. There was only one Ulatkini coming up from behind us to attack. We quickly killed him and checked out the rest of the area. We found only a single girl holding a baby in the breeding cave. She would be the last female unless they worked out some other deal to have more Ulatkini. We went back to there we saw the last Illithiad enter one of the portals. We talk a bit more and Gregor got one of the Ulatkini to rush in to take some of the attacks before the rest of us went in. He argued that there are only four left but he did go in first. When he did we found out he ran into a wall of force stopping us from entering the room. There were four Illithiad summoning another dark tapestry creature using the Seasage Effigy Statue. There were two guards waiting to attack when the wall comes down. When the wall went down the Illithiad had completed the summons of a young Shub-Niggurath to attack us. Erik took on one of the guards to our left along with an attack to the Shub-Niggurath. Then it all went dark as the rest of us were in the dark tapestry spell. When I came out I was with Gregor and the rest of the party on our right fighting a guard. It was not looking good because these guards were not easily killed and when we did kill them they turned into another type of dark tapestry creature. Erik got paralyzed by a hold person spell. Then Rigby used a spell to grab the Seasage effigy and pulled it into the dark tapestry spell next to the exit. Not realizing that this would bring the Shub-Niggurath after the Seasage Effigy. The Shub-Niggurath did not care that it had to step on the Illthiads to get to the Seasage Effigy. But, once it got it the Shub-Niggurath open the portal again calling a bigger one through the opening. We were able to kill both the guards and the creature inside them. Now we were all in front of the Illthiads then they cast their mind blasts on us all. We were able to resist this blast to our mind by the young Shub-Niggurath was in line too but could not resist the blast and took damage from it. Linkles cast a spell but suffered a wild surge he told us which made us all vulnerable to piercing attacks. This would have been bad if we were being attacked by piercing weapons but were not. Erik finally broke the hold person cast on him and used his spear to attack the Shub-niggurath killing the beast. When it died it closed the portal that it had open leaving us with the four Illthiads. We gang up on the leader killing him and another one when the other two thought it better to escape back to Leng then die with their leader. As we talk I got out the trident of Gozreh and used it to destroy the Seasage Effigy so it could never be used again to open a passage way to the dark tapestry. I also used it to deface the symbols on the floor just in case they could be used to Gregor went back and destroy all the jars with the brains and eyes in them. It was now safe for the rest of us to enter the room. We search the rest of the place finding no more Illthiads. The four Ulatkini are now free of the Illthiads. We did what we came to do so we left them warning them never to summon anything from the dark tapestry again or we will come back and destroy them all. We were able to go back the way we came to the submersible and back to Croon house.

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