Friday, April 10, 2015

Journal 4759 Kuthona 2nd thru 4760 Abadius 9th - Search for Andivion on what he doing in Ustalav

Journal 4759 Kuthona 2nd – We left Solvania and are leaded to Ustalav. Journal 4759 Kuthona 3rd – As we passed the forest with the fairy I could sense the fey realm. I need to check this out again if we come back. Journal 4759 Kuthona 10th – Traveling to Ustalav again and I’m not looking forward to what we have to do. Still not able to figure out how I can enter the fey world when I want, too. It is not strong here. Journal 4759 Kuthona 20th – No one is really looking forward to meeting Kendra and then have to kill her. This journey is not as enjoyable as the first time going to Ustalav. Plus knowing it is not as wonderful as Gregor makes it out to be, it such a grey land. Journal 4760 Abadius 4th – We arrive in Illmarsh and Gregor started looking for his half brother Andivion. When we found him Andivion wanted us to leave now. He took us to the water and hired a boat and took us out on the water. There Andivion told us that he was hunting down the vampire because he is trying to stop the foreseen demonic invasion from the Worldwound that will let loose the Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse. He did agree to help us gain our revenge on the vampire for making Kendra a vampire. He told us we need to go to the capital of Caliphas and that is where this boat is taking us too. Journal 4760 Abadius 5th – Another day on the boat as we travel to Caliphas by water. I changed what spell I have to now have the use of the daylight spell because it might be handy going down into the dark sewers. Journal 4760 Abadius 6th – Talking to Gregor about the riddle Kendra left him. I believe it is about how Gregor killed Alpon Caromarc in the iron maiden. Journal 4760 Abadius 8th – We arrived in Caliphas and Andivion took us to meet Quinley Basdel a member of the splinter cell of the esoteric Order of the Palentine Eye. They gave us two daylight bombs each to be used against the vampires. We rested up because we will be looking for the vampire Lord Luvick Sievage lair at night. Quinley told us where we might be able to find the vampires and he believes Kendra will also be there. Journal 4760 Abadius 9th – We enter the park early in the morning hours with about six hours left still before dawn. After searching around we find a greenhouse which we enter. We found a female vampire spawn running along the ceiling and Declin was able to bring her down with a stake through her heart. I finished her off to be sure with my scared flame spell turning her to ash. As we explored the rest of the green house I saw my second look at the rare carnivorous plant which we were able to quickly cut to pieces after it attacked us. The plant seemed to be guarding a grate in the floor. We were able to remove the grate and believe we have found the entrance into the sewer to the vampire Lord Luvick Sievage lair. Just before we entered Black Jack and two other men showed up. One was Quinley Basdel who we just meet and a friend of his. They thought we needed help and this man named Black Jack came to talk with DeClin and ask if we could take him to us. Black Jack also wanted to kill the vampire lord because it escaped him years ago. We all entered the sewer and it came to a passage that was set up with alcoves with coffin in them. When we check the first coffin we found a body with a stake in it heart. It spoke the riddle to us and then attacked me after I used scared flame on it. It turned out to be a zombie and not a vampire. There were more and I told Black Jack he should kill them now so they do not come up behind us when we are fighting the vampire. Black Jack killed about twenty zombies with no trouble at all. As we were killing the zombies we got attack by a swarm of bats and then rats before we destroyed all the zombies. They were not hard to defeat and not much of a threat just a pain to deal with. Then we finished destroying all the zombies. The passages lead us to a passage to our left thru a break in the wall or a small hole at the end of the passage. Gregor used his undead sense and detected undead on the other side of the small hole, but we could not see anything. Black Jack threw in a couple of daylight bombs, which Gregor gave him, hurting the undead but not killing them. We could hear them run away but no way to chase them down. So, we took the passage to the left that lead us to a cross passage which we went straight, but it seem to me going around the rooms we wanted to get in so we went back and took the passage on our left as we came back. This leaded us to the room where the four hurt vampires were and we were able to turn them to ash very quickly. We search the room which leaded us to the room where we tossed in the bombs with no other exits. We took another passage which seemed to be doing the same thing leading us away so we double back and took the last passage we passed and did not take yet. This leaded us to the vampire lord Luvisk Sievage lair. It was totally dark inside when we open the door. We could only hear the voice of the vampire Luvisk who started to talk to us. Black Jack was not in the mood for talking thru his dagger and hit the vampire lord. When I looked into the room I could not see anything so I cast my daylight spell giving light to a very large room. Now we could see what was inside the room. We saw Kendra and another vampire that look like Alpon Caromarc at lord Luvisk Sievage feet. Later Gregor told us that Alpon Caromarc was a revenant due to the way Gregor killed him. All Alpon was saying is I have come back to kill you Gregor. Gregor ignore Alpon and went straight for Kendra killing her first. The rest of the group gang up on the spirit Alpon who was only after Gregor ignoring us. With the group all fighting Alpon he went down only killing the wizard who came with Quinley. Next a large swarm of bats attacked us and I was able to use my wind wall to separate us from the bats. Now the bats got split up but Quinley left the group to kill Luvisk with Black Jack only to get surrounded by the bats I protected the group from. For some reason Quinley daylight bomb went off killing all the bats around him but also killing him, too. With the bats gone we started to look for the vampire Luvisk. We found him but he was behind a wall of force that I could not get a moonbeam spell through. But, Gregor was able to use his ability to reappear someplace else and he came up on the other side of the wall next to the vampire Luvisk. His attack made Luvisk lose his concentration on the wall to bring it down. Once the wall was down we quickly killed the vampire lord Luvisk. We started searching the area for the other vampire spawns who have become free will vampire since we killed their master. We only found a few valuable items along with a Halfling and a half elf manacle in a locked room. We freed them and found out that they brought here only a few days ago. We found the place where we believe the freed vampire escaped. We decided to leave before any of the authority start looking around since we broke into the green house. We meet Andivion as we were leaving and told him what happen. He asked for Blackjack and Declin to help him hunt down the vampire spawns who escape before they become vampire lords themselves and start creating more vampire spawns. Andivion also ask us to look into what the Whispering Way is doing in Illmarsh. He has a boat ready for us to go back to Illmarsh. The Halfling told us his mission the Pathfinder Society asked him to look into and ask if he could come with us. We agreed and the half elf also asked if he could come along since he has no money to stay in Caliphas. We boarded the boat and set sail for Illmarsh.

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