Thursday, November 12, 2015

Journal 4760 Adrodus 16th - Adrodus 28th - The Blooms

Journal 4760 Adrodus 16th - Linkles and I arrived in Solvannia and the queen was happy to see us but ask where Gregor and the others were. We told her Gregor and the others are on their way and will be here as fast as they can. We expect him any day it been 10 days sense we last saw him. It looks like Linkles and I lost six days being in the fey realm for only a few hours. Looking at the problem this looks like the bloom the dryad was saying will come. I need to change a spell to cast water breathing on us in case we get pulled under the water. Linkles agreed that we need to find out what those swans are and can do. We will go out in the morning to see if we can stop this bloom. Journal 4760 Adrodus 17th – I cast water walking and water breathing on the both of us and we go out to meet the swans. Just as we are in striking distance Linkles cast his fire ball spell on two of the swans (After the battle I’m glad he only hit two of them). The blast killed the swans but they turn into two water elementals which attack us. We each had an elemental attack us. I casted my moonbeam spell on mine along with casting my guiding bolt spell. Linkles spell where not doing as much damage as he was taking. I was able to heal him a little before the next elemental attack took Linkles down. At that time I was able to destroy my elemental and sent the moonbeam on Linkles elemental. I was also able to heal Linkles before he died. Linkles had slowed his elemental so it could not reach me as I kept backing away and keeping my moonbeam spell on it and was able to destroy it. I had to heal Linkles up and we went back to Solvannia after killing two of them. We did learn that the other swans do not interfere or join the other elemental we are attacking so we should be able to attack one at a time. Journal 4760 Adrodus 18th – I was ready to go and try and kill another swan but Linkles was not so sure and thought we should wait for the others. I tried to tell him if we only kill one swan at a time we will only be fighting one elemental at a time. When we started out we saw the swan had grouped together and Linkles was not as sure now and said we should wait. Gregor should be here today or tomorrow. As it turned out Gregor, Erik and Rigby show up just before evening. We told them what we have learned about the swans. Gregor was able to heal some of the sick because the black water going out of the bloom is a poison. Journal 4760 Adrodus 19th - When we went out to fight the swan there was now four swans instead of only three. The plan work to attack one swan and then one elemental at a time. Doing this we did not take much damage as a group. Eric took the most damage but survived. When we killed the last elemental this caused the whirlpool to close and it toss us around like buoys in a storm. When it was all done clean water started flowing out from the center again and a dead swan was floating in the center where the whirlpool was. This is our first trophy. We took it and head back to Solvannia. It will take another 14 to 15 days to totally clear up the poison water this bloom caused. We decided to wait here in Solvannia to get a report of another bloom instead of guessing where the bloom will appear. Since we need to stay close to each other and Solvannia will get a report of trouble. Which did not take long, it was a plague of twig men to the north. We headed out in search of this bloom. Journal 4760 Adrodus 20th – Traveling to the Narlmarches in search of the twig men bloom. Journal 4760 Adrodus 21st – Another day going to the Northwest to the Narlmarches but only reports of twig men attacking and sucking the blood of the children and animals. Journal 4760 Adrodus 22nd – Still no sight of the bloom decided to go more to the Northeast to see if we can find the bloom. Another day the bloom is growing. Journal 4760 Adrodus 23rd – No bloom yet. Journal 4760 Adrodus 24th – We have come to the edge of the bloom. It is overgrown like someone has been casting plant growth. The forest is filled with leaves even thou I can move through them with no problem the party cannot go we head to the Northeast which I believe is the center of the bloom. Journal 4760 Adrodus 25th – This is taking too long to go thru the forest heading to the heart of the bloom which I believe is at the center of the fey forest in the Riverlands. We hear a scream and went to the sound. When we arrived we found that two twig men had captured a young boy and was starting to feed on his blood. We were able to kill the two twig men quickly without hurting the boy further. Gregor healed the boy as I bound his wounds. His parents where already dead and we could not waste more time taking the boy to safety so we took him with us. A few hours later we found ourselves surrounded by over two hundred twig men. At first it looked very grim and they were immune to my spike stone spell which I was hoping to protect one side of us. I first used my ice storm which took out about 15 in front of me. I then used call lighting sense they were packing in to attack. I’m not sure why Erik had to leave the group maybe because he wanted to use his thunder wave spell which would hurt us, too. The rest of us stayed close to each other so we would not become completely surrounded. I took only a little damage but could kill one with my staff and four with my call lighting spell. Linkles was using his magic missiles spell to kill three to four and Gregor and Rigby were killing three at a time. Erik was doing well killing like 12 at a time. The battle lasted longer because of the number but we killed them all and only taking some damage that our potions of healing recovered. Journal 4760 Adrodus 26th – No more signs of the twig men only a sense we are being watched. Journal 4760 Adrodus 27th – We were getting near the center when we first found the faire dragon of the forest who warned us to leave the forest now. The faire dragon had to use his breathe on Rigby but Rigby was able to shake off it effect before the dragon left. We soon came to the center of the bloom finding a huge tree. I cast call lighting to strike the tree, Erik cast his spell at it, Linkles cast magic missile, Gregor ran up to attack the tree and Rigby I lost track of in the battle because after we attack the big tree summon two trees to attack us and I ran from them staying away from the big tree. With all of us attacking the big tree we were able to bring it down and Linkles noticed from Gregor cuts that he could see the heart wood and it was in the shape of a heart. It was our trophy of this bloom. Once the big tree was killed the summon trees stopped attacking us. We pick up the heart trophy and headed back to Solvannia to find the next bloom. I did not think we were close enough but I thought I would try and cast animal messenger to ask them to send a ride in the direction of the fey forest to tell us if another bloom has been reported. Journal 4760 Adrodus 28th – We heard horns blowing from a distance and Gregor told us they sounded like someone or something is on a hunt. As the horn got closer to us we stop and got ready to attack whatever was coming. It was a fey wild hunt lead by three satyrs and eight wolves. I did not try my spike stone spell but used call lighting just ahead of me so everything would be in the radius of the spell. In a couple of rounds we were able to kill the three satyrs and most of the wolves. The last two wolves started to run away when the last satyr was killed. But, Erik killed one as it left and I used my ice storm to kill the last one so it would not hurt another one else as it tried to get away. A horn was left as our third trophy for this bloom. I believe we need to now go after Nyrissa.

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