Friday, April 1, 2016

To stop the release of Tar-Baphon

Journal 4760 Rova 7th – Gregor got a message about his half brother missing. We ask us to go with him to Ustalav to find his bother. We will leave first thing tomorrow morning. Journal 4760 Rova 8th – We left Solvania to travel to Ustalav to find Gregor half brother Andivion. He told us that they believe the whispering way took him. Journal 4760 Rova 11th – Gregor has not been himself he has been focus on saving his half brother. We have been riding as hard as the group can go. It sad leaving the Riverlands after what just happen there but, I feel Gregor pain about his missing half brother. At least it has been a joy talking with Grim on this trip. Journal 4760 Rova 20th – The ride has been quiet we have had no trouble traveling almost half way and Gregor is still uneasy. Journal 4760 Rova 29th – We are in Ustalav and heading toward the dead city of Adorak where Gregor believes we will find his half brother. Journal 4760 Lamashan 3rd – We are back in the bad lands and should be in the dead city of Adorak late tomorrow. Journal 4760 Lamashan 4th - We are near the dead city of Adorak in Ustalav and are met by a group of knights. The leader recognized Gregor and after talking allowed us to enter the city. I told Grim to hide in the woods and stay out of the city. We needed to get to the tower of Gallowspire. As we were going toward Gallowspire I noticed that we were being followed by someone or something. When we stopped to check it out an elf person called Blackhands addressed us. He asked to join our party and told us that we had the same goal in stopping the whispering way releasing their God Tar-Baphon. He told us he is a revenant and if we kill him he would come back the next day. I encouraged Gregor to accept his help. He lead us through the city to the tower of Gallowspire without encountering any of the undead patrolling the city or many of the deadly sink holes. Gallowspire was covered with condemned prisoners turn into undead hanging all around the tower. Blackhands told us a dracolich named Marrowgarth guarded the front door which was also magically locked. The only way to get access was to climb to the top of the tower. I gave Gregor my climbing potion and I flew up with him as a humming bird. Gregor cleared a path for the others killing the undead on the way up. Blackhands climbed the tower with no problem the undead left him alone probably because he was one of them. Rigby and Erik had to climb themselves using the path Gregor cleared. Linkles used Rigby flying cloak to get up. He had to stay close to the tower but not within each of the undead hanging on the walls because hundreds of undead was flying above the tower ready to strike. Just before we got to the top a Priest of the whispering way told us we would fail as they killed Count Galdana who was the last descendant and ingredient to create and release the Carrion Crown to free Tar-Baphon. Still climbing we saw a flash of a purple light which we found out was the Carrion Crown releasing all the wards that were place to imprison Tar-Baphon. Once Gregor got to the top we threw down a rope to help Rigby and Erik climb the rest of the way up. Then Gregor chased after the prist of the whispering way down a ramp which was made of bones and as he started down the ramp the bone hands tried to grab him and throw him off the ramp. The center had a reverse gravity spell causing you to go up and down like a yoyo if you fell in. Gregor having my climb potion still in effect was able to catch up to the group of the whispering way. Erik did not fare as well as he fell twice but Linkles threw him the rope to grab and pull himself back down to the ramp. Blackhands was not bother by the skeleton ramp at all. Rigby was able to also catch up to them and they killed the priest of the whispering way and the ones that jumped or were thrown over I was able to kill as they floated by me. As we group together on the ramp we heard a muffle sound and after about a minute a man tied up became visible. It was Gregor half brother Andivion. We pulled him over finally to the skeleton ramp and untied him. Andivion was not sure what the priest were going to do with him but when we started after them he prayed for his God to make him invisible which it did and he rolled off the ramp only to be caught by the spell going up and down. So, we are now a party of six. We put on the amlets of the whispering way and the hands help us stay on instead of pushing us off. We finally got down to the bottom and noticed the outside door is bar on the inside. Noticed another door and it looks like when the Carrion Crown went through the door destroying most of the seals, too. Rigby checked it for traps anyway and there was one which he removed successfully for us to open the door. This led us into a chamber with another skeleton ramp. Then into a circular chamber that had nine knights hanging on the wall calling for our help. Gregor ask his God to receive the knights to the realm of the dead and he then removed it from it hook. When he did the spirit of the knight left the tower so we release the other nine knights on the hooks, too. Rigby cleared the next door and down another skeleton ramp we went. About half way down we came upon spider webs and a very large spider known as a beblith on the other side of us. I used my produce flame spell which burned up all the webs causing the spider to fall. Then it climbed the wall back up to kill us. With all of us attacking it we killed it before it killed any of us. The spider almost killed Blackhands when Erik switch places with him but the spider was able to hit Erik a couple of times before we killed it. When Erik used his healing potion to heal himself he needed more potions to completely heal himself. So, our healing potions and probably our healing spells will only work at half what they should while we are in this place. We passed through another door Rigby open with no problem. When we came to the bottom of the next level we found a fire elemental which we attacked from the ramp and were able to kill it quickly before it did anything to us. We noticed four burning brazier and Erik kick one over putting out the coals immediately and then the brazier age the years it been in here and now it is just an old rusted out brazier. I thought about putting one in the portable hole but then was not sure it would stay upright and not burn or destroy the hole so I did not. We will try and take them when we leave. He found a trap door and Rigby removed the trap on the door again this led to a long shaft. We sent Erik back up to get my 250 foot of rope we left behind to help the climb the tower and to help us catch the rope when we fell off the walk way. The rest of us took a short rest while we waited for his return. We then tied about 400 ft of rope to help us climb down and back up the shaft. Journal 4760 Lamashan 5th - This shaft about 200 feet deep led us to a hallway and into some rooms. Rigby remove traps from the doors but one to our right when we open it had a vampire which Blackhands knew as his old lover. She attacked us only hurting Erik taking some of his health causing him to lose health (hit points) until maybe I can cast Greater Restoration on him. She was no match for the group even when she tried to use her druid power changing into a cave bear to attack us. We killed the cave bear in one round and her two rounds later with only Erik being hurt by her. We found another room to the left which was an old library and had four suits of armor one in each corner. One door to our left and one to our right which had a warning about entering it and releasing what is in there by order of Tar-Baphon. Rigby was able to remove the traps on the two doors leading out of the library. We open the door with the warning and found two cells with three sarcophagi inside. When Rigby tried to remove the first trap on the cell door to our left he failed and it exploded almost killing him. When Rigby failed this activated the four demonic armor in the four corners of the library. Erik attacked the one to our right and Gregor took the one to our left. I cast spike stone on the floor to hit the other two as they attacked. We were able to defeat them without harm. One of the demonic armor was okay which I put in my hole. Then Erik removed the lid to the sarcophagi revealing a skeleton knight holding a bastard sword. The skeleton knights eyes started to glow red and ask are we friend or foe of Tar-Baphon in ancient Varisian. Black Hands was able to speak to him in that language and Gregor doing his best to translate what was said to the rest of us. Black Hands told him we are foes of Tar-Baphon and ending up convincing the skeleton knight telling him we have come to kill Tar-Baphon. He agreed to help us and we released the other two skeleton knights, too. We are a party of ten to defeat Tar-Baphon. We moved on taking the left door from the library which opened up to a large room with an angle in it. The Carrion Crow came this way and broke the seal the angel Sanviel was guarding. After talking with the angel Sanviel, he agreed to let us pass to kill Tar-Baphon but first feed us and let us rest to regain our strength and spells. The angel Sanviel opened the trap door he was standing to allow us all to pass on, which was another bone ramp down to another level that led us into cave. When we entered the cave we were met by ghost on a bridge telling us we shall not pass but they also told us to kill them so they can rest. We were doing well destroying the ghost until one of the ghost’s took control of Black Hands. Erik grappled Black Hands but Black Hands continue to attack Erik. I hit Black Hands twice with radiant damage then I remember that if I turn Black Hands I may be able to force the ghost out of Black Hands which I did. The group then quickly destroyed the last ghost. After the battle we heard rustling noise from a building near the bridge. We ask Black Hands to check it out and he said it had many others in it. Linkles fired a fireball into the building after Rigby and Andivion used a spell to open the door with a hand. The fireball destroyed half of the ghouls inside and we were able to destroy the rest with little trouble. Staying to the right of the building and path we continue on which lead us to another shaft. Andivion gave us rope so we could climb down this shaft and also give us a way to climb back up.

Reviewing the damage of the Blooms

Journal 4760 Arodus 29th – Nyrissa is dead Gregor has informed the queen. I will take a few days to finish updating my ritual book with the spells I can cast without memorizing them. Journal 4760 Arodus 30th – Still working on my ritual book one more day should get in all the spells I can do. Also, I’m thinking on using the staff to awaken Grim if I can find him. Journal 4760 Rova 1st – I’m all done with my ritual book. Looks like Erik is studying to do more fire magic and working out with the city guard. Linkles is going to talk to Horace about scrolls and studing. Rigby went to Pitax for some reason for the queen. Gregor is training his temple paladins to help them in future crisis. So, I left to look for Grim and check out the damage to the land. Journal 4760 Rova 2nd – I was surprised that I found Grim so quickly we was in the area I left him and he was glad to see me, too. I cast the awaken spell on him and it is strange that he can now talk to me. Now I have a true companion as I travel around. Going back to the hide out place to re-supply the hole with equipment I left in the first realm. Journal 4760 Rova 3rd – It is strange I am finding the areas that were damaged by the fey energy are now growing back even healthier. I see the destruction but also seeing the healing which is going to bring the land back quicker and healthier. Grim is a delight to have around and is a good guard for me at night. I still helped some of the land with my growth spell. Got to the hide out place late but most of the normal equipment was there to add back in the hole. Left half of my copper here and going to the crystal cave next to leave my coin and other treasure I do not want to keep. Journal 4760 Rova 4th – I decided to change in to a wolf today and run around with Grim instead of riding him. It was a great day. I’m still impressed how healthy the land looks. Journal 4760 Rova 5th – Went back to the crystal cave and dropped off the rest of my treasure from the hole for safe keeping. Then started back to Solvania to see what the others are doing. Journal 4760 Rova 6th – Got back to Solvania late at night and went straight to bed.