Friday, February 13, 2015

Journal 4759 Lamashan 10th thru 16th - Meeting with Baron Drelev to free Kisandra Father

Journal 4759 Lamashan 10th – We travel around the marsh to free Kisandra father. Journal 4759 Lamashan 14th – We are at the town and watch the coming and going to figure out what we do. We noticed that a barbarian comes out with a girl and takes her into the forest. We plan for the next day to meet with the barbarian. Journal 4759 Lamashan 15th - In the early afternoon a barbarian brings a girl into the woods where Gregor meets him with us in the woods around the barbarian. Gregor held the barbarian with a spell. Erik and Gregor gave the girl a lot of money to be quiet. Gregor put him in iron and start talking to him to get information from him. We find out that his leader of the Kellid barbarian is Aramg Twiceborn is looking for a sword of the gods to bring the barbarians back in to power. I ask about how to get arrested and he told us how. The plan was that we would go in and I would then do something to a guard to get put in jail to find Kisandra father location and a way for us to get into the dungeon. When we went up to the gate Gregor was ask why we was coming to the village and he told him to talk to the Baron Drelev that he was the Queen Captain and the plan went out the window. The next thing after waiting for the Baron was the Baron Drelev challenge Gregor to single combat. The battle was over in a few rounds with Gregor killing Baron Drelev. Next the wizard seneschals stop the barbarian from attacking the group. Gregor talk in private to the wizard and then the Cyclops giant Vordacai a fey wanted to talk to me and pick me up and put me on his shoulder telling me he wanted us to take back our land. I was listening to Gregor talk and the wizard wanted us to kill the Cyclops and Gregor agreed. Gregor got the giant to challenge him to a fight and Gregor agreed. In the battle Gregor was almost killed by the Cyclops but before he could finish Gregor off Erik was able to bring the Cyclops down and I healed Gregor to save his life. The barbarians called foul and were going to attack us when the wizard had the bowmen shoot and kill all the barbarians outside. Then he put his sister in the seat of power. She has a mean dog but I was able to get it to stop biting me. Journal 4759 Lamashan 16th - Then he threw the rest of the barbarians a party and got them drunk and killed them all while they slept. The wizard did tell us where the tiger lord went and told us the story about the Sword of Kellid. He also release Kisandra father to us. But, they would not bring the castle under the queen rule.

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