Monday, November 11, 2013

4758 Lamashan 17th

Evindra, I have suggest that the site of the stag lord be used to build her township. I have given Solvanna the following reason why I thought this site would be good. First it has a good water source and a possible trade route. Second that a good built town would be harder to burn down and there is good stone around to use. Third water is available and that a well could be dug so the town would not have to go to the lake to get it place water for crops. Forth the land around this site is ready to be plow now without removing stumps. Fifth the druids would not allow the forest to be cut down without a fight. This would cost many lives and be expensive that may turn out your people would give up supplying you. Sixth the stone walls and tower would give them a good view of possible invasions. If you start in the forest your enemies could sneak up and attack you when you are not ready. Plus with an ongoing battle it will take longer to complete. Finally, you could have a secret escape tunnel built to the river for her to leave or return in secret or at a time to escape your invaders. Does this sound except able to you? Glade

4758 Lamashan 10th

Evindra, We traveled to see if we could get the Sootscale Kobold clan to join us. We could only get five kobold slingers and only if the goblins join in, too. He then went to the Soretoe goblin clan and where able to negotiate that five goblin archers join us. We travel to the stage lord fortress stopping short from seeing the fort and hiding in the tall grass near the river. I changed into a bat form and the party put one of Bokken ethereal oil on me so I could enter the fort without being seen. I found out that there is only 10 total in the fort with one man prisoner and an owl bear present. We fall back to the forest to plan the next night attack because I was afraid that the Goblins and Kobolds would cause trouble and bring the Staglord against us when we were not ready. We had our plan and went back to the Staglord fortress. The goblins did not want to do what was planned and guard captain did not want to split his command. So, we hope that the goblins would do as they were told. Me and Hadhod started to crawl to the fort and stumbled into a buried zombie, which Hadhod destroy on one hit. The goblins also ran into the buried zombies but were all killed because they panic. We return to the group and I wanted to leave but Gregor said he could find them and get us around them. So, we waited for the fortress to quiet down again, as they believed that a few goblins ran into the zombie trap and all was well. Gregor set the guards men and Solvanna in placed. Then the rest of us moved out under Gregor guidance and he set the kobolds in placed. The rest of us went to the fortress gate. Hadhod climbed over the wall, removed the gate bar and set the door down without anyone inside the fortress aware of our entrance. I signal the kobolds and fighters to begin firing on the guard towers while Hadhod and Ulfgar attacked the bandits in tents. Those bandits we did not know of. I did not want the dwarfs to leave the gate but they did along with Gregor. So, I decided to use the flaming sphere ball to burn down the gate of the owl bear cage. This took long than I thought because the owl bear was afraid of the fire and did not try to crash though the burning gate. He had total surprise the attack caught the bandits unprepared even though they had 15 more bandits in the fortress that we did not count on. Gregor and I killed the big fighter on top of the keep because he leaped off to knock Gregor down but failed. Then Gregor killed the thief because we killed the thief friend. Hadhod and Ulfgar killed all the bandits in the tents. Our missile fire took out the guards on top of the keep. Just when almost all of the bandits were killed the Stage Lord showed up in the tower. Our thief Loren was sneaking around to the back of the keep and attacked the Stag Lord which kept him up so our missile troops could shot at him too. We all started to move into the keep and get on top when I noticed the keep was going be destroyed by fire. So, I went to see if I could free the prisoner below well the others attacked the stag lord. I found the prisoner and when I went to free him he attacked me and almost killed me. I ran and decided to free the owl bear instead. I believe the prisoner was the stag lord father and the one who set the zombie traps. I was able to friend the owl bear and get it out of the cage when the others were coming down from killing the stag lord. Loren had gone into the stag lord room and removed a chest I’m sure he took more than that he shared with the group just because I remember more than one chest in the room. Just as the owl bear was freed Hadhod show up and I thought he was going to kill the owl bear but Hadhod stop when I said I have him under control. We all left the burning keep it was amazing to find out we only lost the goblins in the attack. I released the owl bear and found out I lost my wolf when I friend the owl bear. We waited the rest of this day and most of the next day for the coals to cool down. During that time we located the rest of the buried zombies and destroyed them. We buried the bandit bodies that were not totally burn up in the fire. Hadhod was wearing the stag lord helmet now and it looks frightening on him, too. Once we were able to get near the trap door I was able to cast a couple of wind gusts to clear the smoke out from below. Most of the treasure was destroyed in the fire. We did get a lot of coins and some weapons. He headed back to Oleg’s with our treasure. We drop off the kobolds and what we promised them plus I gave them some of mine treasure. Next we stop at the golbins and I told them we lost their archers to a zombie trap set by the stag lord father but told them where we buried the bandit bodies for their payment. Now that the main threat in the area has been removed Solvanna wants to civilize the area by building a town. What should I do now? Glade

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

4758 Rova 24

Evindra, We head back to where we fought the tazzleworms to continue our exploration and search for the stage lord. About five days out from Oleg’s we found or the mighty boar Tuskgutter found us. This boar was huge and almost killed Gregor horse with it tusks. But the dwarf fighting skills and especially Hadhod whom seemed to be just as crazy as the boar was the difference in winning the battle. We eat well that night but the kill brought other animals for the feed. The next day heading back with the great boar head we spotted a pair of dire wolves. Hadhod wanted to capture one for some strange idea he could ride it. Because of that idea it almost got him killed but we were able to kill the male dire wolf then capture the female. Hadhod wanted to ride the dire wolf so I stay with him as the others went back to claim our reward for killing Tuskgutter. Hadhod got many bites and starches before the next day when I could speak to the wolf. I found out it had a litter near by and was able to talk the female wolf to give us the runt of the litter to spare the rest. It is tough talking to a wolf when they do not understand certain ideas. Hadhod was happy and with my help with the pup he may some day ride a dire wolf. After another day the group was back together and we continue our exploration and found the stag lord fort. We waited for night and I used my potion of etherealness to scout out the fort. I saw the stag lord face to face and he is scary. I reported back telling them there were about 10 plus inside and we needed help to take it. We travel back to Oleg’s to get supplies and plan. Just as we saw Oleg’s a firepelt puma attacked us. Ulfgar got mauled by the puma and was saved by his brother who caused the puma to run away. I have never heard of a firepelt puma in the area is why I mention the attack. We also meet a man called Loren who was invited into our group and the guards from Brevoy were also asked to join the fight against the stage lord. We will be going back to Bokken for some potions and then heading out to kill the stage lord. Glade