Friday, October 4, 2013

4758 Arodus 17

Evindra, We went back out looking for a forgotten temple for the Jhob Kavken a priest of Erastil. On our travels we ran into Tyg-Titter-Tut and her fairy dragon Perlivash. Perlivash tried to steal from us and Gregor gave Tyg some wine. But it was all the wine he had but Tyg wanted more for Perlivash. Perlivash breathed on Gregor for not have any more wine to give him. Gregor then hit Perlivash for breathing on him knocking Perlivash down. I was able to heal Perlivash. They followed us and I believe Perlivash finally stole something then left. A few days later we did find an old temple that had a dirty pool and a statue of an Elk man. We saw stairs leading up to a cave so we went up to check it out when a huge bear attacked us almost killing Gregor Horse. We were able to kill the bear but something strange happen the bear turned into a man then he aged rapidly and became dust. I never heard or saw anything like that before. Also after the bear/man disappeared the sun seemed to shine thru and the pool looked cleaner. We decided to head back but do some exploring on our way back to Oleg’s. We found the hot springs and the giant frogs I have heard of. You were right to stay away from them as Gregor was grab and pulled into the deep water before we were able to kill it partner but had trouble with the one that grab Gregor as he was being pulled into deeper water. Just as Gregor was about to go down he cut the frog tongue off and was able to climb back out okay. After that we did not find anything for a few more days. About two days out from Oleg’s we found a dead trapper and to me it looked like his own trap. As I examined it closer I saw small teeth marks in the rope and I believe it was from Perlivash. I believe this trapper hurt Perlivash and he was getting back at him. I do not believe Perlivash meant to kill him just have him get caught in his own trapped. I also believe this is the trapper whose trap I destroyed last month. Than the next day we ran into several more of the trapper traps. He destroyed them and when we got back to Oleg’s he believe it was a trapper that no one likes because he put traps where people could be caught, too. Gregor informed Jhod Kavken we found the temple and he was glad we did. He also told him about the bear and what happen Jhod seemed to have a smile on his face when he heard this news. We will be taking Jhod out to the temple in the morning. Glade

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